• 520 मेगावाट ओंकारेश्वर पावर स्टेशन ट्रासफार्मर यार्ड

  • 520 मेगावाट ओंकारेश्वर पावर स्टेशन – 220 केवी स्विचयार्ड

  • 1000 मेगावाट इंदिरासागर पावर स्टेशन विद्युत गृह जनेरेटर फ्लोर

  • 1000 मेगावाट इंदिरासागर पावर स्टेशन स्विचयार्ड

Detailed News

एनएचडीसी में सतर्कता जागरूकता सप्ताह का शुभारंभ - (31-Oct-16)

NHDC Celebrates Vigilance Awareness Week at its Corporate Office, Bhopal. The Vigilance Awareness Week was inaugurated on 31.10.2016 by Shri B.L. Saboo, General Manager (Finance), NHDC in the presence of Shri BBN Subudhi, Chief (Vigilance), Shri Ashok Kumar, Chief (HR), Shri Shashank Shukla, Chief Engineer (C & P) along with other Senior Officers and Staff Members. On this occasion, Shri B.L. Saboo gave the pledge to all Officers and Staff Members on bringing Integrity and Transparency in their official works, eradicating the corruption and to remain vigilant for the growth of Organisation. Shri Saboo also encouraged all the Employees present during the event to participate in various activities like Essay Writing, Poetry Recitation, Debate Competition etc. which are being organized during Vigilance Awareness Week from 31.10.2016 to 04.11.2016. On this occasion, Shri B.B.N. Subudhi, briefed about various activities for creating awareness on Vigilance amongst the employees. To increase awareness among children against corruption, NHDC organized various activities like Debate, Poster & Slogan writing for students at Govt. Higher Secondary School, Ahmedabad, Kohefiza, Govt. Kamla Nehru Higher Secondary School, T.T. Nagar and Maharani Laxmi Bai Girls Post-Graduation University. During the event Shri B.B.N. Subudhi, Chief Engineer (Vigilance) was present as Chief Guest and all the winners were given the prizes by him.

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